I made a new recipe for supper tonight. I sauteed onions in butter, added mushrooms, then garlic, added flour and milk to make a roux, then spinach. It was served on angel hair pasta. Baked sweet potato was the side.
The problem is we don’t usually eat this much butter or fat. Before he could even start eating, hubby had an attack of esophageal spasms which happens occasionally. He had Schotzki’s Ring long ago, I think that is what it was called, and it still acts up sometimes even though he takes Prilosec daily.
Then I ate waaaaaay too much, so there we were, hubby with horrible, powerful hiccoughs from the spasm and me burping garlic. Could puerh tea help both of us?
The short answer is YES! I made three steeps western style in the 22 ounce pot. Partway into the first steep his hiccoughs stopped, and these are not normal hiccoughs. And I feel much lighter. Hooray!
This is much better than taking medicine. My next batch will be the end of this cake, so I guess I had better start looking at my next order!
that’s fantastic! i should remember that and try it sometime..
My occurrences of acid re flux at night have dropped considerably now that I drink puerh nightly.
Hurray! Probiotics are great :)
Mrmopar: I read your comment to hubby and he said he feels he should give it a try! We had it again tonight.