I’ve had this tea for about a month and I’m finally trying it now. I put it off for so long because I found the smell off putting. It’s smells very medicinal to me. And a little like chocolate.
I forgot about the tea brewing so it was definitely over steeped. When I took my first sip sans additions I almost choked as I forgot the tea was supposed to be spicy, and boy is it ever. I love spicy food, so this was a welcome aspect of this tea for me. Another good thing about the spiciness was that it somewhat covered up the medicinal flavor I was getting from the dry leaf. I am getting the chai, but no chocolate whatsoever. If anyone has tried sugar free Oregon chai, that is what this tea tastes like, plus cayenne pepper. The sugar free Oregon chai had the same medicinal taste that I hated and had to throw away the rest of my carton. I’m not going to throw away this tea, I want to try it a few more times, less steeping time and less leaf. Maybe as a latte as well, and see if that helps. If not, this is another one for the traveling tea box.