Of the three teas in this year’s “pumpkin collection” at DT, this mate blend is my favorite. I don’t mind the roasted, earthy flavor of the mate. I think it compliments the pumpkin/squash flavors really well. There is noticeable spice but, thankfully, it does not overwhelm the blend. I love the idea of a pumpkin tea, but I’ve yet to find one that ticks all the boxes for me. I have such a difficult time explaining the fact that pumpkin spice is not the same as pumpkin. This is a pleasant tea, but I find I enjoy it more hot than iced. If I want hot tea in the morning I’m more likely to grab a black tea than a mate. I have about 50 grams left, and I think that’s sufficient. I wouldn’t be opposed to swapping it away for something I’d enjoy more, but it’s not something that I’m in a hurry to get rid of.
Flavors: Earth, Pumpkin, Roasted, Spices