Chocolate and bananas isn’t high on my list of flavor combinations I lean toward when purchasing tea. In fact, anything involving chocolate is probably toward the bottom of the list, along with teas that have strong spices in them. I decided to try this sample because it was the only one of 3 I received that didn’t have spices in it.
But, I digress…
The aroma of the dry leaves was promising, the banana note was definitely present. However, the minute the little biodegradable filter hit the hot water I could tell this was going to be a no-go. After allowing the leaves to steep for 6 minutes in boiling water, I removed the filter and reluctantly took a small sip. I salvaged my cuppa by adding a touch of creamer and a bit of coconut sugar. That helped to mellow the overwhelming taste of chocolate and make it a lot more palatable.
I probably would’ve enjoyed this a bit more had the banana been more present. Imagine a slice of banana cream pie made with unripe bananas and completely covered with chocolate sauce. That’s what this tastes like to me.