This is my first blooming tea and I have to say I am very happy with this!
I used my Lupicia cooler to brew the bloom since it’s around 12 oz and clear. It was really lovely to watch the hand tied flower open up mine was red). At times it reminded me of a sea creature or an alien. Pretty neat!
So I served this tea to myself in a goblet and it’s a light yellow in color. The aroma is very relaxing and — you guessed it — flowery. The tea is very smooth on your tongue and has a nice sweetness along with a slightly vegetal flavor, I’m picking up a slight flavor like corn. The floral nature reminds me a bit of roses. This is a very lovely brew, both in appearance and taste. I have enjoyed it a lot and will probably get more when these run out. Don’t think I will have the time to resteep this tonight, that’s an experiment for another time.
You gave yourself a flower! I approve! You deserve more flowers!!!
I agree! :D
I can just imagine you at a huge table with a monstrous goblet with your feet kicked up relaxing. Think the tables you always see in movies that have castles. I always wanted one of those. That sounds like a perfect way to spend some time.