Still raining in San Francisco so I had to make some of my own Morning sun!
I liked the shape of these rolled leaves and have had good luck in the past with these spiral sort of shapes from China. The aroma of the wet leaves is very robust and almost smoke like and it’s amazing to watch them unfurl!
I decided to steep mine for 3 minutes basket style although this tea will need to have some gong fu experiments from me soon. :)
I am definitely getting the sweet flavor, kind of honey like with a bit of roasted sweet potato or carrot like starchy/thickness… it is reminiscent of a golden monkey to me, except bolder and more assertive. I’m getting a touch of smokiness, tobacco flavor here in the flavor as well. I tried this plain but then I ended up liking it with soymilk because the creaminess blends nicely with the other flavors. I liked this although a bit on the assertive and bold side for me so I think a shorter steeping time will be worth pursuing. I just gave my sweetie a sip and he says it smells very smoky and tastes like miso… I like miso actually. :)
Thanks, Amy! We have a local coffeehouse that we source this tea for. We restock them every week on this one as they go through so much of it. They are doing 1.5 minute steepings. @Scott – You’re right! China blacks are awesome!!
I’m all over miso. :))
China blacks are awesome!
Thanks, Amy! We have a local coffeehouse that we source this tea for. We restock them every week on this one as they go through so much of it. They are doing 1.5 minute steepings. @Scott – You’re right! China blacks are awesome!!
I like China black but most of my favorite black tea is still from India & Nepal (aside from puerh, of course).