This is my third oolong. I haven’t written on the first two because I’m pretty sure I screwed up the steeping the first couple times. Shoulda just come on Steepster to see what everyone was steeping at. So I’ll go back later and note those.
This is awesome. I definitely get the vanilla, then cream, then orchid. This is a yummy cup. A real treat. Not as oolong-y as the last cups I made. I think I steeped too long on those because this has an earthy oolong undertone but it isn’t all I taste for once. It has a lot of delicate layers. Delicious. I really get the orchid at the end. Pretty floral.
Second steep. This one is much more floral than the first. The vanilla has almost vanished and your left with a creamy orchid. Not bad. However, I must say that the leaves the second steep smelled completely unappetizing. Don’t know what that was about. It smelled very “green”. Like vegetable greens. Anyway….
It’s a good one. I think I like the first steep the best because there’s more vanilla but that’s just me. :)