Ugh, this RAIN. I normally don’t mind it too much, but this has been one of the wettest winters on record, and the drizzly greyness is totally sapping my will to do any of the things I need to accomplish. So I’ve been rummaging through my stash looking for something to boost my mood.
I go for a sachet of this, in part because it means I don’t have to wash any of my dirty teaware. The scent is unimpressive, even after steeping for 5 minutes, and the liquor is quite weak (“gentle”, if you prefer). The flavor is mostly orange peel with hints of peach and oolong, turning tart at the end of the sip. Aftertaste is quite nice. Next time I’ll try steeping it longer, or may even use 2 sachets.
Flavors: Orange Zest, Peach