Finally, my first Verdant experience! I’d been holding off on trying them because I wanted to get some more brewing practice under my belt, but the other day I just said “screw it” and snipped open my sample packet of the 2012 harvest.
It’s intensely vegetal & beany every which way (dry & wet leaf, liquor aroma, and flavor), probably more so than any other tea I’ve tried. There’s a taste of char that gives it a somewhat aggressive edge. I searched for the pumpkin but couldn’t find it, which is unfortunate because the tasting notes of pie and biscuits played a big part in drawing me in.
I can tell it’s a very high-quality tea, but I’m not sure how much I personally liked it. I’ll definitely try it again and use bottled mineral water (and get around to reviewing it less than two days after the fact).
good luck with them!