It was ages since I have wrote a note about a new tea. Let’s rectify this !
This is a tea kindly sent by justjames in our swap.
I don’t really know what to say about this tea it’s just mild : mild flavouring and mild tea – I would even say weak tea…but weak with a hint of acridity.
Just as if I am not drinking tea but hot syrup.
I’m so sorry not loving it James, did you liked it ? Cannot see a review from you about this one.
I am particularly sorry because I love blueberries, blackberries but to my opinion these flavours are among the most difficult ones to success in a tea (along with cherry probably).
Thanks so much for sharing James.
no… i loved it not either. this was the beginning of my blueberry tea pilgrimmage. i was so disappointed. BUT i have been sent teas on occasion in swaps that others disliked that i loved… worth a try as an extra toss in! =0)
Myrtille sauvage is from far the best Blueberry tea I have had, difficult to have another one behind for me
i haven’t, no. though i’ll add it to my shopping list. with the december sale haul it will be awhile before i can justify buying anything!!
i did love myrtille sauvage…. happy sigh.
no… i loved it not either. this was the beginning of my blueberry tea pilgrimmage. i was so disappointed. BUT i have been sent teas on occasion in swaps that others disliked that i loved… worth a try as an extra toss in! =0)
Myrtille sauvage is from far the best Blueberry tea I have had, difficult to have another one behind for me
Justjames have you tried black n blue from serendipitea?
i haven’t, no. though i’ll add it to my shopping list. with the december sale haul it will be awhile before i can justify buying anything!!
i did love myrtille sauvage…. happy sigh.
you know what i adore? blueberries mixed with blackberries….