The main thing I know is that Crimson Lotus Tea really ought to add an entry for Planet Kunlu. Tremendous tea, that – I had the single ball that was included with the orser and promptly ordered 18 more. Smashing stuff! I don’t like adding teas for a company that usually does it themselves though, I’m not sure of the proper protocol. Copying their own description seems a bit like plagiarizing. Rather recommended in any case!
I dont! spill the beans (or tea in this case)
The main thing I know is that Crimson Lotus Tea really ought to add an entry for Planet Kunlu. Tremendous tea, that – I had the single ball that was included with the orser and promptly ordered 18 more. Smashing stuff! I don’t like adding teas for a company that usually does it themselves though, I’m not sure of the proper protocol. Copying their own description seems a bit like plagiarizing. Rather recommended in any case!
I just do exactly that. use one of their photos and copy the blurb, its not plagiarizing, its advertising imhoho.
I do like CL teas, we share a similar taste