For the last day of the year, I brought out a sample of “Last Thoughts”. Thankfully, I made a sensible decision not to use a whole 10g I had left and rather split it into two sessions :D
2020 will obviously be remembered for the pandemic, and rightfully so – we should definitely keep such events in our collective consciousness. However, at a personal level I want to avoid painting a picture of this year with a too broad a brush. This tea is indeed very suitable for reflection, and thus I used it to remind myself of all the love and great connections I experienced throughout the year. At the same time I realized I haven’t been to a live concert for the whole year, this being the case probably for the first time in something like two decades. I decided to at least watch recording of Cult of Luna’s gig from 2013 – not the most suitable music for this particular tea, but they are among my favourite live bands so I thought it served a purpose.
I don’t want to go into the particularities of this tea now. It is good, the huigan is amazing, cha qi likewise. However, there is no way I would buy it for the price it is going for. There are teas with comparable huigan and cha qi at half the price, while being more complex and in accordance with my taste preferences.
Flavors: Apple, Astringent, Barnyard, Bitter, Creamy, Drying, Floral, Grain, Perfume, Sage, Sweet, Tart, Umami, Vegetal, Wet Rocks, Wood