I’m breaking all the rules at the moment and I don’t care. I’m reviewing this even though I haven’t had it a long time. But the reason I feel I can and not feel too bad is ‘cause I just bought 250g of this one yesterday and I’m dying to get it here even though I shouldn’t drink it until after the baby comes… either way though… I am reviewing this and making a note…
Mostly because yesterday was the worst day ever and my retail therapy helped some and I’m hoping that tomorrow will be the end of my worry for good. I’m going to get kind of personal here… Something I haven’t really done too much on here, but here we go!
My husband and I chose to have the baby tested for Downs and Spina bifida. Yesterday I got a call from the receptionist that one of them came back positive. My world shook. I was so upset I was late for work.
I got in to see the doctor that afternoon and he told me it’s not Downs, it’s the Spina bifida that came back positive and it’s just barely into the positive range. I’m so relieved and yet so nervous. I have been worried that I’m screwing up this baby by not eating well enough or whatever. And part of this Spina Bifida can be that the mom hasn’t had enough folic acid, which I’m taking multivitamins everyday and whatnot, but still..
I’m rambling now. Okay, not really. But I can tell he’s wanting to get it all checked out and make sure that everything is okay, but at the same time I don’t think he’s too worried about it ‘cause it’s not too far into the positive range… like it’s in the lowest end of the positive range it can be. And the thing is, there’s a chance that this could be a FALSE positive too. There is such a thing come to find out…
So, I figure that can’t be too bad. And if the worst thing that happens is the child needs some assistance walking and getting around, we can make that happen no matter what. That won’t be too bad.
I’m praying the baby is fine. Tomorrow at the ultrasound they should be able to tell me what’s going on. I’m praying. Hard. My family is praying. My mom and aunt have a lot of peace that everything is going to be fine and I’m trying to take their lead on that. I know what I keep picturing as the outcome, but I’m almost too scared to say it in case I’m wrong.
Anyway, to the tea! This is a “Back from the Dead” tea for Halloween. I hate Halloween. Never have liked it. It’s a creepy, dark holiday to me. BUT! If it means that a favourite tea is coming back and I can enjoy it again for a long time, than I will like Halloween this year!
To those that are praying folks, please say a prayer for this baby. For those of you who don’t, I apologize if my openness about talking about prayer offended anyone. It’s important to me and I’m thankful that I have my faith to help me through.
I’ll update everyone once I know what’s going on.
Thanks Steepsters!
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know it is hard waiting and trying not to worry, and I wish you the best of news tomorrow!
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know it is hard waiting and trying not to worry, and I wish you the best of news tomorrow!
My prayers are with you and your baby. Take care and hoping for the best!
Thanks! I’m VERY happy to report that the ultrasound pics came back the other day and the doc said the baby’s spine is fine! SO happy!!