I received a free sample of this from Tea At Sea. Thank you for allowing me to try this tea.
This tea arrived at my door in very cute packaging. I received two samples and they were in small sample size packets with the company’s name and a tag attached to the package that described the tea and gave temperature guidelines for steeping.
I am usually more of a dark oolong verses a green oolong person. This tea is a less oxidized oolong. It steeped up with a yellow/green color. It has a flowery, green, honey taste. This is really nice! Some of the more green oolongs the floral notes over power the tea for me and I have a hard time drinking them. This one the floral is there but is well blended with the honey sweet notes. The sip also has a creamy/buttery feel and taste to it. I don’t think this is a milk oolong, but this has some of the same feel to it.
The way I rate tea is based on my personal preference. It is based on if I am driven to drink or buy a given tea again. In this case I will definitely finish this sample and would consider making a purchase from Tea At Sea to own more of this tea.