(This sample was generously provide to me by Teavivre. Big thanks to Angel and the whole Teavivre Team.)
Dry Leaf: Has a light vegetal smell with a nice sweet smell that almost comes to the front of the tea.
Wet Leaf: Had a vegetal smell think green bean with a almost slight toasted or warm smell that had a touch of sweetness in the back somewhere.
Liquor: Was a pale yellow with a nice brightness and good clarity.
Taste: Had a light but fresh vegetal flavor.And as the broth cools there was a faint floral note in the distanced background with a lingering sweetness.
My Score/ Over All Opinions: 87, This tea was good but, I want more stronger orchid like fragrances from the smell to the taste. Which is what this tea is known for. I know this tea was produced last year so that may have changed the tea. I am curious when Teavivre gets a fresh batch for this year will the tea be different from my opinions on this one?