Still on my journey to find some puerhs that I like in addition to cinnamon swirl bread and aztec spice. This smelled very strongly of puerh dry so I wasn’t hopeful, in fact, I picked out what tea I would have if this needed to be dumped. Thankfully, no dumping necessary. There is an unexpected (until I reread the description) coffee flavor that either complements the puerh really well or masks it, i can’t tell. Either way, the cinnamon cookie flavor is great. If you don’t like coffee you won’t like this tea. I added frothed milk and honey and this tastes exactly like what I can only imagine a cinnamon cookie latte at coffee shop would taste like. I’m cool with it! I’ll make some for my mom. This is right up her alley.
cinnamon swirl bread pu’erh? who’da thought!