So I was sitting there pondering something I can’t remember now while the Oscars was on, to which I suddenly craved for some hummous and pita chips to go along with! There I was swinging by the TJ’s , figured it was a grab and buy errand but as usual I got stuck in the store browsing around. Well, obviously it lead me to this fab tea, which I bought a carton of two along with some nachos(skipped the pita) and got some dips. I drank a cup at once i got home and brewed it with hot water for 5 minutes. It gave off the usual chamomile flowery aroma , but it turns out a bit starchy that gives off a woody taste. Another cup and steeped it again but it turns out mute and more woody, a fine stand by for any night!
190 °F / 87 °C
5 min, 15 sec