Wow, I have no idea how old this tea is, but I just used most of it to make a pot. 6 teaspoons uses a lot when it’s being kept in one of my little papered tins. Only one or two servings left, I think. I probably overleafed it, but I’m sure that this tea is at least a year old. I’m trying to get through some of my opened packages before I open some new packages. I have 4 huge tubs full of tea (2 unopened, 1 opened, 1 trade tub). Going to sort the unopened tubs so they’re more equal in number in each and by company, I think. We’ll see. I need to go through and make sure all my tea is logged in Steepster so I can get a more accurate accounting of how much tea I have.
Added milk and sugar to this. Had a bit of trouble getting it back to the couch. I pulled an all-nighter last night and I’m at the point of awakeness that my hands are shaking. :p That’s REALLY going to impress my therapist that I see in 2 hours.
This tastes like what I think a egc should. Not my favourite flavour though, I’ve grown tired of bergamot in general.
Had some adverse effects, probably from the artificial flavouring. Threw the rest of it out.
I hope you get some rest and feel better soon.