15575 Tasting Notes

drank Laoshan Village Chai by Verdant Tea
15575 tasting notes

Still loving this chai, especially with the dreary rainy day that is today. I always love warm comforting rich teas when it’s a blustery windy, rainy day and this doesn’t disappoint!

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So I have zero clue of how to do this well but here goes nothing. Im trying this in small steeps but totally just winging the temperature and amount of tea haha. Mostly I figured this is a decent way to keep me drinking tonight for a bit.

First steep I’m not even sure how to describe the smell coming off this tea. Hell I’m not even sure how to describe the tea. It’s not the green that I’m used to but it’s a really refreshing tea.

Second steep: did I mention the beautiful color of this tea? It’s a great yellow…one I’d almost think about painting my bathroom. The other half didn’t like this steep. This one is less vegetal to me…like there are other things hiding there that haven’t come out yet….

Third steep: this one is my favourite…not sure what the earlier taste is but that’s now gone and I’m left with a really fresh subtle green.

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Bonnie 12 years ago

I just wrote something for my blog (later) on this and my steeps were in a gaiwan and INSTANT like no time! I say it all the time. I never brew tea without going to the website’s and checking with the people who tell how to time it and how much to use. So, 3-4 grams in 4oz container 190f water for 10 seconds increasing a second or so. (Spring was 3 seconds) If you go longer you might get bitter tea.

Sil 12 years ago

Bonnie – yeah I went to the site, especially for verdant teas, I always double check. I just have no gaiwan and haven’t figured out a good way to do small steeps with the tools that I have on hand, this worked out alright though. I’m hoping I find a nice little gaiwan on vacation that I can bring back so it’ll be associated with vacation memories AND be functional and wonderful lol

Bonnie 12 years ago

You can use a mug and saucer which works well. I’ve done that. A smaller mug is about 8oz. so half is 4oz. I think I sounded snooty and didn’t mean to. Sorry. I hate wasting tea myself.

Sil 12 years ago

Haha you didn’t sound snooty Bonnie. I’m with you on the wasting tea. I got a bunch more steeps out of this one tonight, just got distracted from writing. If I had a saucer that would work lol. My apart,ent is a little ghetto these days. I’m sure I’ll resort to a tupperware lid or something eventually haha

Bonnie 12 years ago

I steeped this in some milk for 6 hours and then froze half…experimenting. Cooked with some too.

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drank Fireside S'mores Tea by Teaopia
15575 tasting notes

So I can totally understand why people love this tea. that being said, it’s not my favorite I mostly wanted to try this before I end up ordering the s’mores tea from Della Terra for comparisons sake evenif I can’t ever get this tea again haha. It’s not a bad tea..it’s just a bit weird for my taste. It might have sometig to do with the fact that I ate all of the mini marshmallows out of my sample before I brewed the tea grin anyway there’s chocolate in here, and hints of the sticky marshmallowy goo but I’m not quite getting the graham cracker taste. Any interesting tea to say the least :)

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drank Sakura Cherry Rose by Tealish
15575 tasting notes

As far as teas with floral notes go, this one isn’t too bad. The floral notes aren’t super noticeable but they’re there. :) I’m not sure it would become a staple in my house ever but I do like the green tea with cherry notes. Thanks for the sample indigobloom happy to have tried this one.

Indigobloom 12 years ago

glad you like it! :)

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drank Summer Berry by The Tea Haus
15575 tasting notes

Had just enough left for another cup of this so I tossed this in to do a short cold brew for an after workout drink. I’m really living being able to come home from the gym and have a glass of col brewed tea. I don’t need any more than the one cup but it’s a nice way to have a bit of flavour without having to drink juice or anything.

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drank Caramel Matcha by Red Leaf Tea
15575 tasting notes

So admittedly I have had zero tea today until now. That’s largely due to the fact that for whatever reason, I managed to get seriously drunk last night, like I haven’t since 1997. Haha I really don’t drink a lot, maybe a glass of wine or a cocktail once every 3 weeks. But what I really wanted today? Was a matcha smoothie. So needless to say, my first drink of the day besides lots and lots of water was a matcha smoothie. I have zero clue what I’m doing but I tossed in a frozen banana, some frozen peaches, milk some ice and a tsp of caramel matcha dn blended! Lt me tell you, besides the weird greens color that’s a little disturbing to drink it is delicious!!! Caramel, peach smoothie. Mmmmm really looking forward to playing with more matcha :)

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Azzrian 13 years ago

Sounds amazing! Sorry about your hangover lol

Sil 12 years ago

My own damn fault..though you know once every 15 or so years isn’t bad haha

TheTeaFairy 12 years ago

I’ve heard people say that best way to cure a hangover is to open another beer! Glad you chose the matcha option! hope it helped :-)

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drank Summer Berry by The Tea Haus
15575 tasting notes

This is a really nice fruity tea for this afternoon. Another sample from Indigobloom – i’m trying to use the long weekend to get through another slew of my samples but that’s hard to do with the new tea that came in on friday! Anyway this is a really delightful berry tea. I prepared this hot, but i could totally see doing this as a cold brew tea, adding some lemonade and having it rock!

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drank Caramel Matcha by Red Leaf Tea
15575 tasting notes

Yay for after gym workout treat! I still suck at preparing this matcha but that doesn’t take away how delicious and amazing it is. Now I just have to decide what my next flavour(s) are going to be. All I know for certain is that I’m happy to promote red leaf for matcha any day!

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drank Strawberry Zabaglione by 52teas
15575 tasting notes

What I REALLY wanted this morning was a matcha latte lol but since I’m trying to get a bite to eat and get down to the gym before its too late in the day I opted for a new tea instead. I’ll reward myself with the matcha shake or latter when I get home. :)

This is a bit underwhelming. I’m not sure if I over steeped or over heated this tea but there’s an underlying bitterness that I’ll need to play around with to see if I can get rid of. Th dry scent of the tea is divine! And fter brewing there’s much more creaminess than strawberry…but the taste, well it’s like a creamy black. I’m not getting the strawberry. Holding off rating this until I get a chance to play with more of it :) but still a decent cup of tea to kick off the day.

200 °F / 93 °C
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Azzrian 13 years ago

This is the second review I have seen on this tea that said pretty much the same thing I think. I wonder if Frank had a bad batch of this because it is absolutely a wonderful tea. Hope you had a great work out!

Bonnie 13 years ago

I had this and gave it away because I didn’t like it. Maybe it’s a hit or miss thing.

Sil 13 years ago

I did a “short” cold brew while I was at the gym of the leaves I’d steeped and it was a bit better. Sat for about 2.5 hours I’m guessing. More strawberry but still not what I’d expect.

Azzrian 13 years ago

Wow well you can all send yours to me LOL This is one of my all time favorites!

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drank Apricot Cheesecake Shou Mei by 52teas
15575 tasting notes

So funny story? This tea totally reminds me of madam butterfly. Its only on the second steeping that I can almost taste the cheesecake. It’s not a bad tea, though not quite what I hoped it would be. Might be the base that’s a little light for me. Still, I’m not upset with this purchase as my first tea from 52 teas….besides I still have 3 more to try this weekend. Woot!

Alphakitty 13 years ago

Of their cheesecake blends I’ve tried, I found this lightest on the “cheesecake” part but still tasty.

Sil 13 years ago

Alpha, good to know. I do have the caramel cheesecake en route as well for comparison haha

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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