This is a backlog from yesterday afternoon, when I made my first-ever visit to Teaopia! Picked this one up for 50% off, plus a couple other teas (not on sale).
I’ll need to write a proper review later, but in spite of this tea smelling pretty delicious (reminded me a bit of Creamy Nut Oolong, perhaps some of the same flavourings?) and being chock full of ultra-mini marshmallows, I hardly got any flavour from it. And I used a LOT of tea! And then used another 1.5 tsp because I couldn’t taste much. Very disappointing. I hope it was a taste bud issue. Either way, I have TONS to experiment with now….
(Ok, I just tried some of yesterday’s tea that was still in my Timolino, and it was better than I remember. So I have hope for next time, although I did use a LOT of tea for that infusion. And, the mini marshmallows left my infuser rather grungy, which was irritating to clean.)
I’ll give you some when we get together!!
Hmm that is odd. I have only tried it Once and though the flavour was light, it was certainly there!
I hope subsequent tastings are an improvement!