15575 Tasting Notes

drank Butterbeer by 52teas
15575 tasting notes

So somehow I managed to forget to log this a few days ago when I finally sat down to try it. I haven’t actually tried the butter beer at Harry potter land at universal – the day we went it was waaaaaay too long a line. BUT this tea is quite delicious….as long as you like root beer :) I cold brewed this as I wanted to see if this could be a refreshing après workout tea and it certainly is. It’s uncanny how much this tastes like a cold flat soda. :) Im looking forward to trying this warm, with maybe a dash of cream to really bring out the buttery flavours.


I think I need to break down and try this. I’ve had the butterbeer at universal and it was delish (I prefer the cold, but everyone else likes the frozen).

If you go back to WWoHP, whatever you do, DON’T GET THE CORNISH PASTIES! They are an insult to Cornish Pasties and I feel so bad for an British person that goes expecting quality.


I didn’t know muhammad could be a verb :P


shush you…stupid ipad auto correct. fixed.


Indigo: LOL! On Sil’s behalf I hereby exclaim, “Curse you, autocorrect!”

Sil: I thought Butterbeer was great lightly sweetened and iced, too!


lol remind me never to use an ipad. I’m sure with all my typos that I’d end up posting gibberish!

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drank White Pear by Teaopia
15575 tasting notes

While this wasn’t a bad tea per say, it really doesn’t taste like pear. Just sort of a bland white tea, something I can drink, but not something that really gives me any pleasure.

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Mmmmmm this was the last of my sample from the persimmon tree. I’ll be sorry to see it go as this is a really nice caffeine free tea. Perfect for in the evening when I don’t want to risk the buzz from caffeine. This will need to go on to my shopping list to pick up once I get through more of my samples and new teas.

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drank Sweet Velvet Fog by iHeartTeas
15575 tasting notes

This tea is another sample I picked up in my exchange with kittena and indigobloom. I wish I could say that I loved this tea….but I can’t. It starts out lovely but thetail end of each sip reminds me of the few adagio teas that I’ve tried and haven’t been a fan of. I REALLY love the way each sip starts out though….


Someone PLEASE correct me if I am wrong as I hate spreading mis information but Sil I think this IS a recreation of an Adagio tea. If memory serves, which it often doesn’t, I think that this one is actually a lot better than adagio’s blend.


This one is from me :)

Terri HarpLady

This sounds so wonderfully delicious!


Azz-I’m pretty sure you’re right on that one. I’m sure this blend is better than adagios’. (mostly cause I find I don’t like adagios teas) haha

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drank Kitchen Sink Green Tea by 52teas
15575 tasting notes

Received this as a sample from either kittena or indigobloom. Overall not a bad tea though I’m not really sure what I should have been expecting haha. Would have been inreating to have a whole bag f this as I suspect most cups would taste different :)


it was Kittena, I got one from her to!


Just a miscellaneously fruity green! I got apricot favours, yum!


I didn’t enjoy the first cup I had, but like you said, every cup will be different.

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What I’ve learned about working out… Make a tumbler of tea before you leave the house, so that due to the insane properties of my tumbler, by the time I’m done and on my way home, the tea has cooled off enough to let me drink it while I travel home haha. And that’s exactly what I did today. This tea is a nice, every day kinda of tea…and by that I mean it’s not super crazy flavour insane tea, but it’s not too bland and blah….it’s like the red rose orange period tea my parents drink every day. Except this taste nothing like that heh the is apricot goodness in a tea.

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drank Cinnamon Roll Honeybush by 52teas
15575 tasting notes

Oh man….today was an exhausting end to an exhausting week. Friday is workout day! It’s been almost a month since we started going to the gym regularly and today it was a struggle to go and stay…so by the time I got home and we cleaned out the kitchen and made dinner I was pooped. I don’t usually react to caffeine but just in case, I really wanted to make sure I ended the night with a non caffeinated tea…or low as possible.

This one arrived in the mail tonight along with a few others so I figured there was no reason NOT to try it! Besides, i figured if nothing else, it could be like dessert!

Well, this tea didn’t disappoint! This might be my favourite tea from frank so far. When you open the bag it is intensely cinnamon-ey..yeah that’s a word tonight lol however in brewing the tea, it really does just becomes a mess of cinnamon bun flavours. Just like with real cinnamon buns, I couldn’t
T drink this every night, but man, when I drink it, it will be wonderful!


Yes, this one’s awesome!


I love the post workout feeling. Makes for a good sleep!

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drank Apricot Cheesecake Shou Mei by 52teas
15575 tasting notes

Yep, I still don’t feel the cheesecake love in this one. I really want to try the black base if it ever comes back to see how that changes the taste. That being said, this is a decent tea. To me this is more like an apricot tea than anything else. I tried steeping this in a lower temperature water than the first time, and that seems to have helped. Yet another reason why i would LOVE for frank to include recommended steeping times in his tea logs heh.

I’m just enjoying being able to find the time at work to brew a second (or third) mug of tea during the day. Helps to keep me drinking liquids and means i’m less dehydrated than when i go all day drinking nothing.

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drank Imperial Breakfast Blend by Verdant Tea
15575 tasting notes

Inspired by Azzrian to re-visit this one this morning, I AM changing my rating as it is a nice blend. that being said, I think i prefer straight Laoshan Black. There’s an intensity that i find lacking in the blend that I adore in the straight tea. Anytime i drink Verdant teas though, I really am in awe of how wonderful tea can be when you take even just a few moments to savour the flavour and absorb what’s going on around you…to take a deep breath and that 30 second pause in our hectic days.


" in awe of how wonderful tea can be when you take even just a few moments to savour the flavour and absorb what’s going on around you"

Very true! I love that I’m reading this sentiment so often on Steepster these days. I think any tea can do that for you, if you just take the time to listen and open yourself to that experience, but have really great tea sure makes it easier!


Also- I realize I’ve never had more than a sample of this or an iced version at the Farmers’ Market. I have to get some for real before it goes away…


Oh man, I think I have an ounce of this from a year ago (or more!) that I’ve never tried. I don’t even remeber what season it was from, how am I going to log it ?!?! Thank the gods we’re moving into tea drinking season : )


@ Uniquity- I think you must have the original Imperial Breakfast, since the Summer Imperial Breakfast is new as of the beginning of this summer.


Ah, I must! : )

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So I really wanted to mix this with winter fire from butiki but when I wasn’t looking my other half drank the last of it on me. HE loves spicy things heh. However, this was a nice end to the evening. I wanted something caffeine free or low in caffeine and this gave me that plus some minty chocolate goodness.

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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