This tea is another sample I picked up in my exchange with kittena and indigobloom. I wish I could say that I loved this tea….but I can’t. It starts out lovely but thetail end of each sip reminds me of the few adagio teas that I’ve tried and haven’t been a fan of. I REALLY love the way each sip starts out though….
Someone PLEASE correct me if I am wrong as I hate spreading mis information but Sil I think this IS a recreation of an Adagio tea. If memory serves, which it often doesn’t, I think that this one is actually a lot better than adagio’s blend.
Someone PLEASE correct me if I am wrong as I hate spreading mis information but Sil I think this IS a recreation of an Adagio tea. If memory serves, which it often doesn’t, I think that this one is actually a lot better than adagio’s blend.
This one is from me :)
This sounds so wonderfully delicious!
Azz-I’m pretty sure you’re right on that one. I’m sure this blend is better than adagios’. (mostly cause I find I don’t like adagios teas) haha