sipdown on this one! This is the last of the tes for this morning as i need to go out and run some errands…more to come when i get back though as i have a few things on my list i want to drink up today if time allows and i’m in the mood :) I am a fan of this one…it’s creamy and fruity. I think i need to give terri an excuse to pick up a few more from this company so i can try some more and maybe make a small purchase haha
Here’s her page:
Look around & see what you’d like to try. She still has more of the Blackberry Custard. I usually look for her at the farmer’s market, where I can buy small samples. Otherwise, the package is 2 or 4 oz. Most of her flavored teas have little candies in them, which grosses me out, so I haven’t tried a lot of them. But I did enjoy this one, & I still have plenty of the black raspberry, BTW. Let me know if you want some more of that. Here’s another local company:
They are minutes from my house, so if you see anything in their list you want to try, I can get the smaller sizes.
Josie, both of these are located here. I’m not sure where Trail Lodge is…the Fenton area I think. She has a booth at the various farmer’s markets around town. Traveling tea is literally 3 minutes from my house.
Here’s her page:
Look around & see what you’d like to try. She still has more of the Blackberry Custard. I usually look for her at the farmer’s market, where I can buy small samples. Otherwise, the package is 2 or 4 oz. Most of her flavored teas have little candies in them, which grosses me out, so I haven’t tried a lot of them. But I did enjoy this one, & I still have plenty of the black raspberry, BTW. Let me know if you want some more of that. Here’s another local company:
They are minutes from my house, so if you see anything in their list you want to try, I can get the smaller sizes.
Terri, is this shop located in St. Louis?
Josie, both of these are located here. I’m not sure where Trail Lodge is…the Fenton area I think. She has a booth at the various farmer’s markets around town. Traveling tea is literally 3 minutes from my house.
Oh wow! I will have to remember these for the next time that I am in St. Louis. :)