Uh yeah this is an oolong alright but while it doesn’t have tht oolongy taste that I dislike, it’s not really a pleasant cup of tea either. There’s a weird after taste in this that is slightly bitter but mostly just kind of gross lol
I have a hard time describing oolongs to begin with but this is just…no.
Piney. Grassy. Spinach. Super spinachy :/
See its not spinach to me….I LIKE spinach teas….maybe piney is better…
Ohh I found it overly vegetal
I do think I know what you’re talking about, I just don’t have such an aversion to it so I don’t pick it up as easily. I didn’t recall this tea having it, but I have another sample that I can check with. Likewise the milk oolong, I don’t recall that flavour being there…