Can’t remember who I got this from. So apologies & big thanks to whoever it was. Lol!
This tea….Uhhh….It’s very strange to smell it and smell cookies. Like, woah and a strange look kinda strange. I had to poke through the bag to make sure there wasn’t any of those little cookie dough balls like they have in some ice creams. XD When I measured it out, I got a giant whole half of a walnut which I picked out and tossed back in the bag. I have an oral allergy to walnuts, and though I’m not sure what they’d do to me mixed in a tea, I didn’t want to take any chances with a piece that big. (As a note after drinking this my allergy didn’t act up in the slightest that I could tell so I’m guessing whatever unknown walnut pieces that were in here were safe enough.)
Steeped this and then eyed it in apprehension sitting there in my mug. I dunno why but I was feeling very strange about trying it. I mean, liquid cookies? Really? Honestly I like mine solid, dunked in milk thank you very much. But it was there and I wasn’t about to pour it out ‘cause I was being stupid. So I took a sniff – same cookie smell – and a sip.
Another woah moment. Freakin’ chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream in a glass! How the heck did they pull this off? And there’s no greasy residue like I got when I tried DavidsTea chocolate cake (Ugh by the way). It’s just….This is…It’s…I’m totally flabbergasted by this tea. Lol!
Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled to have tried this. It was certainly a new experience for me. But as much as I liked it, I’ll probly stick this in the swap bin anyway. I just can’t get over having chocolate chip cookie dough in my tea mug. For me, cookies belong solid off a baking sheet, piled high on a plate on the counter, not liquid flavor in a tea mug. Lol! But I’ll still rate this fairly high since it deserves that at least, just for sheer impressiveness, even if I’m not keeping this for myself.
I might keep a cup’s worth to make for my Mom, if for no other reason than to see the look on her face when she tries it. Bound to be entertaining. XD
…..Now I want to bake cookies. >>;
It’s true the tea reminds me of Ben and Jerry’s chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream to!
Yup! That’s the one I was thinking of. Oh man. I haven’t had that ice cream in forever. So expensive tho….