True Story: I had such horrible morning sickness and my friend did too. She told me to “get that orange tea at Starbucks” because it was the only thing that made her feel a bit less nauseated. So, I did. I thought it tasted weirdly like, wait for it, warm Tang. Gross, right? But not really? I just loved it. But my taste buds were all weird from the morning (noon and night) sickness, so I’d soon grow to hate it, right? No. I still love this tisane, a decade later. The end.
The orange Airborne I like to take reminds me of hot Tang, too, and I love it. I’m going to have to try this tea!
The orange Airborne I like to take reminds me of hot Tang, too, and I love it. I’m going to have to try this tea!
Yes, kind of sweet/tart orangey?
Really? I think I have a bag of this somewhere, but I was always too scared to try it…
fermataleaf, I understand. When you are ready.