I like spearmint, a lot more so than peppermint. Until now, I’d only really tried this in blends, but I liked the flavour and deicded to pick this up with my last Tea Palace order. I’m in clearing again today, so I cold-brewed a litre of this overnight to sip on today while I work in the call centre. It’s a lot more mild and delicate than I was expecting — possibly I underleafed a little — but it’s still really refreshing and enjoyable. The mint is sweet and cooling, not as sweet as I was expecting. Neither is it as bitter as I sometimes find peppermint. Overall, I’m happy enough with this. I’ll increase the amount of leaf next time to try and get a bit more flavour, but I can see myself drinking this cold for the rest of the summer, and possibly even hot in the winter. Spearmint is definitely my mint nirvana, and I’m glad it’s something I realised before deciding against “mint” tea forever!
I love spearmint for my Moroccan Mint tea! I have never tried it by itself, but I just started growing, so maybe next year I will have a big enough crop to drink it plain.
I like spearmint for my Moroccan Mint, too. Yum. I’ve been trying to grow spearmint in my garden for a couple of years now, but some little critter keeps eating it. I’m curious to know what animal loves spearmint! :)
I love spearmint for my Moroccan Mint tea! I have never tried it by itself, but I just started growing, so maybe next year I will have a big enough crop to drink it plain.
I like spearmint for my Moroccan Mint, too. Yum. I’ve been trying to grow spearmint in my garden for a couple of years now, but some little critter keeps eating it. I’m curious to know what animal loves spearmint! :)
I have peppermint in my back yard, but I would love to get some spearmint to grow. The squirrels around here sometimes eat the mint, but then again they eat EVERYTHING!