I like this. Which, reading some of the notes here, is perhaps a bit of a surprise. I’ve tried a couple of tropical green teas before, and I’ve mostly been underwhelmed and, on the whole, not very impressed. They always smell nice, but they taste thin, weak, and generally a bit meh. This one is what I wanted them all to taste like. Papaya and mango are the dominant flavours, and I’m not getting much in the way of pineapple at all. With flavours this juicy, though, I can’t say I’m really all that bothered. None of the petals really seem to make much impact in terms of taste, although they do make the dry mix look pretty. As do the little chunks of actual fruit, come to that.
The green tea is discernable — it’s very slightly bitter, but not at all astringent. It contrasts with the naturally sweet fruit very well, though, so I’m not terribly upset about that either. I guess I’m just pleased to have finally found a tropical flavoured tea that genuinely tastes tropical. I should probably add that I ignored the time and temparature guidelines on the front of the packet. I know what seems to work for me with green tea now, and 5-7 minutes at nearly 200 F made me scrunch up my face in anticipation of how bitter that would turn out. I gave it my usual 2.5 minutes in water that’s been standing for a good few minutes and can no longer really be called “hot”. I guess around 180/185 F. It tastes good to me this way, and it’s put the Beach Boys in my head. Added to that, the sun has just come out after what’s been a particularly dull day so far. Perfect! I wish I had enough to try this cold, but part of me is leery of cold brewing green teas anyway. Thanks to Courtney for sharing this with me!