309 Tasting Notes
On bringing up to nose the smell of mixed berries, raspberries and blackberries mixed, hits hard. Is strong delightful sweetness of scent before the much harder taste of the tea.
The tea is a light standard black but with no charcoal or cinder to the taste, none of that acrid burnt of often black tea tastes. It has the darkness, but a yellow to the lightness that exists. And a sense of citrus at the very back top of throat.
The sides of the tongue are yellow, too, but with hints of green further you go on them. The yellow is much more burgundy in its depth and shape, as hard as that is to describe or see to others with them being such different colors… But it’s there inside the yellow.
Sweet malt blues under the front of the tongue in the pit behind the front teeth and about 1/2 way backward to base underneath.
As the tea cools those berries come out clearly onto the center tongue where they didn’t show before in the taste itself. They roll over and as the tea comes into the mouth and other favors stay much the same everywhere else. A bit of astringency creeps in as the berries quickly disappear and the rest of the tea mellows into its lower-temp’s finish.
I love the golden, yellow, citrus, dark, red, and berries in full of this yunnan. I’m a fan of yunnans and having that lighter and yellow tones compared to the rich thick darkness I like in assams.
Loving this one.
2.25g/6oz, 205 degrees, 4 minutes
Flavors: Astringent, Berries, Blackberry, Citrus, Malt, Raspberry, Round
It’s dark and rich with the cocoa being the primary flavor supported by the deeper tones of the pu-erh. It’s not strong or heavy. It smells chocolaty, but there is little to basically no chocolate to the taste. Just a thick brown molasses textured flavor of cacao filling the mouth.
Note: that’s molasses feel, not flavor.
Slight natural sweetness that isn’t defined but is, like the earthy pu-erh, an underlying structural support.
Heavy enough flavor to be satisfying. Noticeable and distinct without a strong pu-erh taste. If you’re a cocoa lover I strongly suggest it. But also light enough that it doesn’t overwhelm the palette, good for any time of day, IMO, or with most foods.
Flavors: Cacao, Dark Bittersweet, Dark Chocolate, Earth, Mud, Sweet
Grabbed it with a bunch of my other blacks and put it near my bedside table near my tea/hot water maker as part of moving all meds and comfort items nearby because I am fighting a cold that could win at any moment… And last night was feeling like it may have. Happily this morning I’m back to fight-off symptom levels.
Grabbed this one to make out of just random, really… Looking over the packages gauging when I’d had this or that last, that sort of thing, and decided to go with this.
I’ve twice now at the Coffee & Tea NYC festival bought things from them and enjoyed, grabbed this with 2 last-year ones I liked.
So, on waking this morning I prepped and turned on my Breville with it and am having it.
First mouthful was an actual “yum!” thought in my head, the word. I’ll not go into all the colors and details this review as I know I’ll have it again and can then add more, but right now: molasses, orange color in back of tongue but not throat area, moderate brown richness on mid-tongue, and lots of little finer notes that will add. It’s a medium strength black.
Absolutely a buy again.
Flavors: Molasses
Phwoo, this one is pure zip!
Being tulsi jasmine green tea on the label I was expecting a taste of green tea with Jasmine and herbs listed on it.
No distinguishable green tea at all. You have to hunt for the chamomile and jasmine and can only barely, barely, find them. It’s all spice basically with the green and flowers to round it out in the background though they can’t be picked out.
I like it and am looking to buy some more.
Not a normal buy for me at all, I am not sure but it may’ve been part of the gifts at the Coffee&Tea Festival here in NYC. If not, then that is where I bought it, anyhoo.
Bizarre and zippy. Not overwhelming, just a nice clean zing on the tongue. I’m currently having this before bed as my first try with it.
I am setting my Breville to make hot water for a cup in the morning for both the pleasure and as I need to take meds. Seems a nice one to wake up to and good for night, both.
Again, not my normal kinda thing but so glad I got it. Grabbin’ more, heading to their site I saw it’s on sale and I could grab some others to give a check out.
Sorry can’t give clearer or more detailed description as this one is just sorta blind. The basil lies over all, the spices as a whole lie over the flowers, the green tea is nowhere to be found. Just plain zippy good.
1 bag in 6oz in 175 degrees, 2 minutes. Not what was recommended, but I went by taste.
Dark, thick molasses sort of initial feel and thought it makes. Top, back of mouth has a darkness, too, some of black.
The rich brown goes to the front bottom teeth and after a bit creates an acrid taste in the back of my throat.
Not much to this one. The flavor isn’t that complex and the feel is a bit flat after the molasses feeling passes a moment later. Not loving it.
Flavors: Astringent, Bitter, Molasses
Orange. Very barely almost not there bit of floral with green underneath. Astringent but only mildly and it’s around the top of the back of the throat.
Blues and greens with a leek tone. Dark green vegetables like leeks, raw kale, but no taste at all of broccoli or Brussels sprouts. Not like those.
Finish becomes astringency behind the front teeth and lightly back of tongue, between there is none.
Fruit comes to mind but maybe apple. Apple that is not sweet, a dryer, blander apple taste..
It’s not bad but I’m not impressed. It’s a mid-level taste.
Flavors: Apple, Astringent, Floral, Flowers, Leeks, Vegetables, Vegetal
Someone else who sometimes can only describe things in colour. Neat! :)
Groovy! Don’t run into others often, that’s for sure. I’m taste/color and pain/color synesthensia person. Are you the same or a personal habit?
In either case, very cool!!