I’ve been getting a bit down on my favourite morning brew recently, varying the tea-to-water ratio of my morning Early Grey, and finding the Twinings product to taste a little “papery”.
It finally occured to me that using my twenty-year-old Bodum french press (which was given to me by a friend as an eighteenth birthday present, and is still going strong) might be a contributing factor. A closer look at the filter showed some deterioration of the stainless steel mesh, and I wondered whether some fine particles flaking off the mesh might be contributing to the less-than-satisfactory taste.
This morning I ditched the french press, added one-and-a-quarter teaspoons per cup (250ml) straight into a glass teapot (without the infuser, as I decided it looked a bit suspect too) and steeped for three minutes.
Voila! A much more enjoyable Earl Grey, better than others I’ve had this week. So maybe it was the old french press, or mayble I’m just over Twinings teas. I’d be interested in knowing if anyone else finds Twinings to have a bit of a “papery” or “cardboardy” aftertaste.