Since experimenting with oolong teas in the last few days, I’m finding that I’ve gone off my old Twinings favourites a little bit. Maybe because I’ve been fooling around with my usual tea-to-water ratio.
In the past, I’ve always gone for one kitchen teaspoon (ie. a more generous measure than a measuring spoon) of tea per cup, plus “one for the pot”. After tasting some oolongs, I tried one measured teaspoon per cup with my Twinings teas, which seems fine for the Russian Caravan but a little on the weak side for the Earl Grey. Tonight I went back to the old one kitchen teaspoon plus one for the pot, and found the strength to be okay but found the aftertaste of the tea to be a little… well… “papery”.
Does anyone else feel that Twinings loose teas have a bit of a “papery” or “cardboardy” aftertaste? Maybe it’s always been that way, and I just didn’t notice until I started drinking some more subtle teas. Or maybe it’s because I just use plain old tap-water (which, judging by many of the discussions on this site, appears to be a big no-no). Or maybe I’m just making the tea too strong.