This is AWESOME. I have to get more of this!!!
I remember smelling the leafs before steeping and going HMF. It smells so green and seaweedy – I was really not in the mood for green. But I went with it…
Threw a lot of leafs into the mug. Thought for a second that I may have overdone it, but Eh, didn’t have a lot of time. After steeping my mug was full of leafs. Literally – there was a jungle of tea in my mug. Pretty!
Was bracing myself for the seaweed when I took the first sip.
Imagine my face freeze for a second, my eyes go reaally big and looking dumbfounded to the mug. (Worth to notice : I never tried a alishan oolong) Had I forgotten to clean the mug before use? No, I just took it out. I am sure of it!
Yum… It so spicey. A warm spice… Kardemomme?
What’s that in english. sigh I love this.
I usually get a bit of cardamom and cinnamon as well
Oh thank you! It’s always good to know that I didn’t hallucinated the spicey note.
Sometimes it’s hard to belive what flavor you can get out of the leafs!