Cute little curly leaves. They’ve dark green color, bit of greyness. Really strong, sweet and fresh aroma, also there is strong roasted nutty aroma. I enjoy this oily fresh aroma always. Only sad thing is this seems to give only three steepings according to the Brewing guide, which is quite few compared to others.
Wet leaves have also really strong aroma. It’s sweet, nutty and fresh. They seem to be small leaf particles and buds . Tea has golden yellow color and smells really good. It has that lovely oily fresh green tea flavour. Roasted chesnut, nuttiness (althought I don’t know how chesnut tastes). It also has some vegetal notes with sweetness. Getting only couple steepings is a minus, but this is really good tea overall.
Flavors: Chestnut, Nutty, Roasted Nuts, Sweet