This is my first tea from Crimson Lotus. It is a rich and fairly smooth ripe. Very tasty, and reminds me a bit of a mix between Special Dark and a Dayi ripe in terms of its flavor profile. Its staying power is a little on the lighter side, but it makes up for it by being delicious. High kick factor.

Cwyn 11 years ago

Glen at Crimson Lotus drinks shou in the morning instead of coffee. One would anticipate that a breakfast shou drinker would have high expectations on taste.

Rich 11 years ago

Indeed! I have been doing that myself quite a bit lately. Thanks for turning us on to them, I foresee more purchases from some of us in the near future!

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Cwyn 11 years ago

Glen at Crimson Lotus drinks shou in the morning instead of coffee. One would anticipate that a breakfast shou drinker would have high expectations on taste.

Rich 11 years ago

Indeed! I have been doing that myself quite a bit lately. Thanks for turning us on to them, I foresee more purchases from some of us in the near future!

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