I never really thought I’d be this sad over some actor’s death that I didn’t even know. But I am. I think the main part about Robin Williams’ death that crushes me is that his life ended in suicide. I mean, suicide in general is sad. But when you think of all the amazing movies he was in that brought inspiration and laughter to so many peoples’ lives, it’s hard to believe he ended up killing himself. Maybe he was just that amazing of an actor, but it always seemed like he fully believed all the inspiring lines he said in movies. I can’t explain it, but so many movies that he has played in have a special place in my heart.
A lot of posts on tumblr going around today are referring to him as, I quote:
“robin williams was like that uncle you didn’t see often but when you did he’d always make you smile and you remembered nothing but good things…”
Maybe that’s exactly what I’m trying to say. I grew up watching his movies, and they always had a way of giving people hope and happiness. Kinda has felt like he was that crazy, awesome uncle who never wanted to grow up and just stay fun forever.
Through amazing movies like Hook and the Dead Poet’s Society, Robin Williams has earned a special place in my heart.
I am crushed on so many different levels over his death. As someone who struggles with pretty constant depression, it is even more heartbreaking to know that he lost that final battle. Despite all of the bad things in his personal life, I will always think of him in the best of light. Brightening up peoples’ lives through the films he has been in. Peter Pan, is the Robin Williams that I will remember. John Keating, is the Robin Williams that I will remember. Mrs. Doubtfire is the Robin Williams that I will remember. I want to remember Robin Williams in his finest moments, even if they were just on a movie screen.
And I’m sorry if this is all just rambles. I’m super tired, and really sad over the events of today. Sorry if I make no sense. >< In sum, I am heartbroken over the tragedy of Robin Williams and I just have too many feelings right now to be clear about anything. xD
So I’ll just be drinking a crap load of comforting teas tonight like this one. Remembering all the good that Robin Williams has done here while he lived.
RIP Robin Williams July 21, 1951 – August 11, 2014
Flavors: Butter, Cookie
I was absolutely stunned when I heard the news about his death.. honestly can’t believe it. It’s just so incredibly tragic. He was a big part of my life growing up as well. I hope that your teas made your evening a little bit better. Good tea seems to help.
I think you summed up how many of us feel. I hope we all can take a moment to reflect on our own lives and to also shed light on the serious issue of depression. I hope you feel better Ost, I know how hard it can be and I’m here if you need to chat.
QueenOfTarts I knew that he, like most celebrities had issues with drugs and depression and stuff…but it shocked me too. So sad. >< And yeah, teas always help one feel a bit better.
Blodeuyn Glad it made a little sense at least! My emotions are pretty muddled right now about it all. >< And thanks for offering to let me vent. Means a lot. (:
It’s like, so many of the people who know of him, don’t know him as a him, but as the people he played. And. It’s already hard to sepperate the actor from the character, especially when you found out that this man that you grew up with and was the happiest guy. I can’t picture this man, this voice of my childhood, as anyone but a happy cheerful man. And hearing about celebrity suicide is especially rare, and he was the last person you would have thought would have done it. I mourn for his loss, because no one should ever feel like that, and it’s a special kind of twisted irony that someone who touched so many lives ended up ending things because of those feelings.
tldr I feel what you’re saying
You put those feelings so well into words.
Kinda wondering if he really felt and believed one of the lines he had…
““I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel all alone.”
No one should feel that way, it’s sad to think he probably felt that way :/
I was absolutely stunned when I heard the news about his death.. honestly can’t believe it. It’s just so incredibly tragic. He was a big part of my life growing up as well. I hope that your teas made your evening a little bit better. Good tea seems to help.
I think you summed up how many of us feel. I hope we all can take a moment to reflect on our own lives and to also shed light on the serious issue of depression. I hope you feel better Ost, I know how hard it can be and I’m here if you need to chat.
QueenOfTarts I knew that he, like most celebrities had issues with drugs and depression and stuff…but it shocked me too. So sad. >< And yeah, teas always help one feel a bit better.
Blodeuyn Glad it made a little sense at least! My emotions are pretty muddled right now about it all. >< And thanks for offering to let me vent. Means a lot. (:
Well said!
It’s like, so many of the people who know of him, don’t know him as a him, but as the people he played. And. It’s already hard to sepperate the actor from the character, especially when you found out that this man that you grew up with and was the happiest guy. I can’t picture this man, this voice of my childhood, as anyone but a happy cheerful man. And hearing about celebrity suicide is especially rare, and he was the last person you would have thought would have done it. I mourn for his loss, because no one should ever feel like that, and it’s a special kind of twisted irony that someone who touched so many lives ended up ending things because of those feelings.
tldr I feel what you’re saying
You put those feelings so well into words.
Kinda wondering if he really felt and believed one of the lines he had…
““I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel all alone.”
No one should feel that way, it’s sad to think he probably felt that way :/