I’ve been on a bit of a straight black tea kick recently and have really been enjoying them as a nice change from all the flavoured teas. On my most recent trip I walked in and asked for “a black tea similar to Kenyan Tinderet” and the sales woman pulled this one off the top shelf. She described it as having a sweeter taste than the Kenyan Tinderet and being a less earthy tea. I knew I had to try it and am glad I did. The sweetness is almost like a honey or maple syrup in the background of the tea. I had agave in mine but in all honestly I probably didn’t need it. I really enjoyed this but I will admit that Kenyan Tinderet is still my favourite straight black in the store! Even if you are not a fan of the straight teas due to bad experiences in the past, I think that a sip of this and of Kenyan Tinderet will change your mind and recommend giving both a try!
Flavors: Honey, Maple, Sweet, Tannin