I happened to be in the mall today to do bit of Christmas shopping and (of course) had to stop into Davids for gifts/me lol. I noticed that this tea was in one of the box sets that they have out this season and had never really thought of this as a holiday tea prior to seeing it in a set. I decided to give it a try as the shopping was really putting me in the holiday mood. I really liked the smell of this tea. Very minty with a hint of chocolate. It reminds me of those mint-flavoured hot chocolates you seem to find everywhere this time of year. When steeped, I think that the mint is definitely at the forefront as the chocolate fades into the background. The tea is very smooth and the chocolate adds a nice creaminess at the end of the sip (which I really enjoyed). I think this is definitely a tea I will be drinking again soon but is not something I will crave year-round (definitely a winter tea for me). I plan to pick up some of this soon to have on hand for the cold winter ahead. I also find this tea much smoother than the other rooibos blends out there and far less woody. It really comes off as a black tea which is great as it is caffeine free! Note: when I got home, I re-steeped the bag in water and it produced another great cup of tea (almost as strong as the first)! :)