I once went on a camping trip where I took a guided tour of the nearby woods. The guide cut up some branches of a young tree and told us that this plant was what root beer originally came from. Then he gave us each a bit of the branch and told us we could make tea with it. Well, I was impatient and just gnawed on my branch instead. Wow! Root beer! Ever since then, I’ve always associated root beer with wood.
Because of that association, the woodsy flavor of rooibos makes a perfect base for root beer flavored tea. This is good both hot and chilled. Unlike most people, I actively dislike fizzy drinks. So this flat root beer is just perfect for me. I also love that it’s not sweet. I don’t like sodas because they are too sweet. Overall, this is better than root beer in every way. I don’t really get the float thing though.
Thank you for sharing this with me DaisyChubb!