Another tea from August 2020 subscription.
Well. It is weird tea. Haven’t seen tea with: rooibos, cocoa nibs, Ceylon black tea, puffed quinoa, cat flowering tops, stevia and flavours.
Although it is pretty much creamy and dough like in taste, stevia is honestly somehow overpowering everything, although I understand that the taste can remind bit that dough.
As I don’t really know how honeycomb cookie should taste like, I can’t much say it is similar to taste. But the tea itself is somehow in the middle. I like it, but it’s sweet. But it’s called honeycomb so it is supposed to be I think. Creamy qualites are high. Missing bit of some other flavours. Maybe more cocoa nibs next time? I have just looked inside pouch and can’t see any!
Flavors: Creamy, Sweet
Were there any flowering cats in the pouch?! :)
Ahm, a typo. Apparenly it should be a oat but the print isn’t top quality.
Darn. I prefer flowering cats in my tea. This IS disappointing. lol Sorry, Martn, not making fun of you.