I bought this tea at La Vida Java, a coffee spot in Louisville. I’m not sure if they blend their own teas, or if there’s a source tea, but I’ve googled the bejeebus out of this name and can’t find it from any other company.
I bought an ounce of this, untried, and when I got home, used my basic black tea prep: boil water, steep 5 minutes. OMG, it burns. Literally, my mouth hurt from the spicy heat. It’s been sitting in my stash for a while now, whilst I readied myself to try it again.
So I tried it in my One-Touch, boiling water for 3 minutes. Also used a smidge less than a teaspoon per cup. It’s still hot, but not quite to the “please, give me ice water and milk and an antacid” level. There’s definitely chili powder in this somewhere, and some flowers. The black tea base is good, or what you can taste of it is. And it definitely starts the roof of the mouth tingling from the hot spice.
It’s spicy. Really spicy. And I’m still not sure if it’s my thing. Definitely clears out your sinuses, though. Going to rate it a 50, but reserve the right to change it.