Sample sipdown from Dexter3657
I really should have bought more of this. I didn’t receive my Fusion tea order yet but I only ordered a 10 cup sample size. I had only tried it once before placing my order and was still not head over heels in love. I enjoyed it the first time around but apparently not enough to order more. Moronic move.
It’s perfect for an evening when you want to curl up with a warm cup of comfort. To some, that cup of comfort might be a chocolate tea, or a chai. Although I enjoy those also, there’s just nothing like hazelnut for me. I used to put hazelnut creamer in my morning coffee all the time. This tea, with hazelnut creamer is just to die for.
Terri I know about those pancakes! I saw a note you wrote a couple of days ago where you mentioned making the pancakes. I thought it was awesome. I always love hearing about other people cooking, especially when they do it with love not just out of necessity.
I LOVE pancakes!
Usually I make them with Almond flour, but a 50/50 hazelnut almond mix is nice too. Today I did them with almond flour, adding cinnamon, nutmeg, orange peel…(I’m drooling now, just thinking about it…I just remembered there are a few leftovers!). All that was needed was Maple syrup, which I had!
Be careful, I can see myself on a plane to Missouri :) gawd, now I have to make pancakes tomorrow morning.
Pancakes rock!
If this Harp Playing thing ever stops working for me, I should open a bed & breakfast. I’d just have to turn part of my house into a guest room, then people could come from all over to eat my pancakes & other foods, & I could serve tea, provide tours of St. Louis, take people on float trips, all kinds of fun things.
:) that would be awesome. Maybe if we do a bit of a road trip one of these days we can pop on by haha
I do think we should plan a get together. A Steepster convention of sorts. Pick a place as equidistant from most as we can and do a weekend. Dude, it would be awesome. Not even a hotel or a place where we would sightsee. Just like a Lilith fair or Woodstock type of thing, or a womyn Michigan festival. I’d put money on this being a blast.
Sounds yummy! Hazelnut creamer is one of my favs too haha
Hazelnut is awesome. I occasionally make hazelnut (paleo) pancakes, & they rock!
Terri I know about those pancakes! I saw a note you wrote a couple of days ago where you mentioned making the pancakes. I thought it was awesome. I always love hearing about other people cooking, especially when they do it with love not just out of necessity.
I LOVE pancakes!
Usually I make them with Almond flour, but a 50/50 hazelnut almond mix is nice too. Today I did them with almond flour, adding cinnamon, nutmeg, orange peel…(I’m drooling now, just thinking about it…I just remembered there are a few leftovers!). All that was needed was Maple syrup, which I had!
Be careful, I can see myself on a plane to Missouri :) gawd, now I have to make pancakes tomorrow morning.
Pancakes rock!
If this Harp Playing thing ever stops working for me, I should open a bed & breakfast. I’d just have to turn part of my house into a guest room, then people could come from all over to eat my pancakes & other foods, & I could serve tea, provide tours of St. Louis, take people on float trips, all kinds of fun things.
Yes please! But I get dibs on your first reservation!
Sil, I’ll start the kettle, come on down!
:) that would be awesome. Maybe if we do a bit of a road trip one of these days we can pop on by haha
Whenever, I don’t plan on going anywhere :)
I do think we should plan a get together. A Steepster convention of sorts. Pick a place as equidistant from most as we can and do a weekend. Dude, it would be awesome. Not even a hotel or a place where we would sightsee. Just like a Lilith fair or Woodstock type of thing, or a womyn Michigan festival. I’d put money on this being a blast.
An annual tea festival. Sweet!