Thank you to TeaEqualsBliss for sending me some of this Matcha.
This is very interesting. I had never heard of Gymnema Sylvestre, but if it helps to keep that sweet tooth under control, then I am definitely excited about this herb.
This is a delicious Matcha, but it is a little different. It isn’t as foamy or frothy as some Matcha, it foams up after whisking, but it disappears rather quickly. The flavor is a bit more even than a typical Matcha. That is to say, it isn’t as distinctly grassy or bitter as a typical bowl of Matcha. It is more of an even-tempered flavor with fewer high notes. The sweet, vegetative and even bitter tones are still there, just not quite as distinct as they would normally be with a typical chawan full of Matcha.
As I near the end of my chawan of this Matcha, I notice more of a herbal-y kind of flavor. It isn’t off-putting, just definitely different from the normal Matcha flavors.
A very enjoyable, albeit different, bowl of Matcha!