This was the tea that AmazonV sent me for my HoppiTea gift! (thanks again!!!) And I’m thrilled. This is actually a tea that I’ve been wanting to try for some time but I just couldn’t bring myself to buy it for some reason. I don’t know why!
And this is really quite tasty. It smells like peppers, but not like the marinated jalapeno peppers you might buy in the store, instead, it smells like a fresh jalapeno… mixed with black tea. It’s really much more intriguing a smell than it sounds!
But what I really am enjoying (much more than I ever imagined I would) is the taste. This doesn’t have a Caliente! hot taste, but there is some kick to it. It’s much smoother than I thought it would be. I can taste the fruity notes of the pepper, but I can also taste the heat. It is not overwhelming though… a mild heat that progresses as I sip. This is actually quite an extraordinary tea! Now, I might need to try blending it with the tomato, basil and black pepper and make myself a salsa tea!
Errrm…. Hey Frank, how about a tortilla chip tea to go with it?