The day that my box from Simple Loose Leaf arrives in the mail is always a happy mail day. I mention this because my May teas arrived yesterday, and I can’t wait to get started on them. This one is from my March box. (I’m still a wee bit behind, but I’ll get caught up. I will. Sil will tell you that I won’t, but don’t listen to that. I will get caught up even though Sil’s betting against me.)
This is one of the nicer “white” chai teas that I’ve encountered. I love the addition of the coconut and vanilla, because they add a nice creamy note without adding milk to make a “latte” – because milk in white tea? No.
Gentle spices, nothing that overpowers the delicate base, but it does have a nice peppery kick to it. The lemongrass adds a little lift to the flavor without throwing off the balance that’s been created. The spices are well balanced. A really nicely crafted chai.
Here’s my full-length review: