Today while running around, I got to the point where a stop for tea was required. I could feel the beginnings of that lack-of-caffeine headache. Here in the Pacific Northwest, there is a starbucks at nearly every corner (seriously, if you miss the starbucks at this corner, you don’t need to turn around, just keep driving and there will be another one within a mile). But, I don’t like starbucks, and I like Teavana even less. So, hubby was nice and took a detour and took me to Brewed Awakenings where they serve Steven Smith teas. I don’t like that they serve the tea in paper cups because I can taste the paper, but, at least I got some good tea on the go. It would be better if they found a better way to serve it, but, at least I don’t have the caffeine headache now.
I do love this tea, definitely one of my favorite Earl Grey teas out there.
Steven Smith Teamaker has been a great discovery for me as well! (sadly my area no longer carries any- will need to place an order soon!)
hmmm…sounds worthy of trying…
@Terri: Steven Smith is a rock star in the world of tea. :) Definitely worthy.