I’m on my sixth infusion now … this tea started out with a very strong sweetness that was very fruit like, tasting like something between a plum and a peach. Very sweet and juicy, with hints of sour. Hints of vegetative notes and toasted grain were in the background, and the floral tones were barely there.
By the fourth infusion, things began to change… the fruity tones had subsided, falling back into the background and becoming more of a memory than a present taste. The floral tones emerged, and there was a savory bitter tone that arrived about mid sip. More like a sharpness that lent a contrast to the sweeter notes. The vegetative notes have become stronger.
Now, the vegetative notes are much stronger than in the first four infusions, and the floral notes are pungent. The roasted notes are a bit like charcoal, and I don’t taste as much of the creamy grain notes that I noticed in the first couple of infusions…
It’s still very pleasant now, and it’s very interesting how much this tea changes over the infusions. I preferred the first couple of infusions, but I also enjoyed the transitions.