Another less than exciting selection from this month’s Steepster Select box. I like guayusa just fine, and I have been very impressed with everything I’ve tried from Runa, but, really? Unflavored Guayusa? It’s not exactly the most exciting tisane I’ve had in the last few months, you know?
Much like the honey bush from last night, this tastes very much the way I expected it to. It tastes like Guayusa. Rich and flavorful, almost coffee-like, but without the bitterness. Very smooth. Enjoyable, sure … but I think that it lacks imagination, much like the Steepster box from this month. Sorry, Jason.
I totally see where you are coming from – I would be a bit bummed if I had tried all of these samplings before. For me it was a perfect steepster box though because I had never any of them before in their unflavored natural form. Actually I had never had Guayusa at all. This is a good reason maybe why a choice would be good – Box A or Box B – but then it would not be a surprise. I like to take my chances I think because I can always pass things onto a trade partner but at the same time I would be bummed if I had tried ALL THREE and nothing new for me.
I totally see where you are coming from – I would be a bit bummed if I had tried all of these samplings before. For me it was a perfect steepster box though because I had never any of them before in their unflavored natural form. Actually I had never had Guayusa at all. This is a good reason maybe why a choice would be good – Box A or Box B – but then it would not be a surprise. I like to take my chances I think because I can always pass things onto a trade partner but at the same time I would be bummed if I had tried ALL THREE and nothing new for me.