This is Day 1 of Dammann Freres advent calendar (sorry for the spoiler). Its December 4 but I just got the calendar today. Woot! So I have lots of tea to drink tomorrow to catch up. Very excited that this one is a herbal so I can drink it this evening. I thought the teas would be loose, but they are actually in silk sachets, which is really nice for ease of use.
This one is good. There is a chamomile type taste to it in my opinion (I am assuming this is the hawthorne?). The beginning of the sip is a bit vegetal/hay like, also dry. The mallow is quite strong initially. This gives way to the cinnamon and orange flavours. The vanilla adds some sweetness at the end of the sip. The dryness has disappeared. I think the cinnamon and orange make it taste like a winter type tea.