I’ve been looking forward to trying this one all day. The last time I had Teavivre’s organic “superfine” dragon well was about two years ago, and I know that I enjoyed it a lot. The smell of the dry leaf is promising, vegetal and distinctly buttery. Let me tell you, I am a BIG fan of a green tea with a nice buttery aroma.
Brewed for 1 minute at 170 degrees. The liquor is a very pale green, as was expected. The lack of color is deceiving, and this tea is very flavorful. The texture/consistency is the first thing that grabs me. Just what I was hoping for: it is extremely silky with a buttery thickness. I can’t help but swish it around a bit to savor that wonderful texture. The flavors are those of green veggies and macadamia nut, with a strong sweetness in the finish (the natural, awesome kind). I am also picking up the slightest floral hint.
Delicious. I always love a good dragonwell. Many thanks to the good people of Teavivre for the sample.
Flavors: Butter, Nutty, Vegetal