Twinings Irish breakfast was my other favorite tea back in college and after starting to drink Twinings Prince of Wales again in the loose version I figured it was worth a try to give Twinings Irish Breakfast a second chance as well in its loose leaf incarnation. My initial impression upon opening the tin was surprised to see that it is a CTC (crush-tear-curl) processed leaf into little tea pellets so I hoped that it would not be too strong considering that the blacks that I’ve drank in the last decade have all been Chinese. I brewed this tea in a mug infuser and I think it turned out fairly strong as the ending result was a strong malty brew that had not crossed the line into bitter when drunk straight. Overall a good tea but one that I know I can not drink too often as Assam and Ceylon blacks in large amounts are not as easy on the stomach as Chinese blacks.
3 min, 0 sec